PHP 5.3.7 發佈


其實以上說的都不是很重要,重點是PHP Team已正式宣布停止支援VC++ 6和PHP5.2,原文如下

Windows users: please mind that we do no longer provide builds created with Visual Studio C++ 6. It is impossible to maintain a high quality and safe build of PHP for Windows using this unmaintained compiler.

All PHP users should note that the PHP 5.2 series is NOT supported anymore. All users are strongly encouraged to upgrade to PHP 5.3.7.


至於Apache on Windows怎麼辦呢?Apache.org給的Binary都是VC6...

關於這點,PHP Team提醒Apache on Windows的使用者去下載VC9的Apache來使用,他們推薦使用Apache Lounge的版本,其他SAPI的使用者則不受到影響。而PHP附加元件編寫者也要記得將VC6的DLL改寫成VC9喔~

 For Apache SAPIs (php5_apache2_2.dll), be sure that you use a Visual Studio C++ 9 version of Apache. We recommend the Apache builds as provided by ApacheLounge. For any other SAPI (CLI, FastCGI via mod_fcgi, FastCGI with IIS or other FastCGI capable server), everything works as before. Third party extension providers must rebuild their extensions to make them compatible and loadable with the Visual Studio C++9 builds that we now provide.



  1. PHP 5.3.8已經發佈囉!



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